Infections in the mouth happen more often than you may realize. Improper hygiene, vices and physical contact are just some of the causes. Being aware of what’s going on within your mouth can save major health problems down the road from common oral issues.
Some of the simplest causes of problems are also the easiest to take care of.
Tooth decay:

Also called dental caries or cavities. Your teeth break down due to acids that are caused by bacteria. If you have pain while eating, pits in the tooth surface, or dark marks in the tooth; chances are you already have cavities.
See your dentist in Airdrie right away to have it be a minor fix.
Regular flossing and brushing along with dental cleanings and checkups can help prevent this from occurring in the first place.
Gingivitis is caused by plaque that becomes attached to your tooth surfaces. It causes your gums to get red and irritated. Left long enough it will cause them to bleed. Regularly going to your dentist for a cleaning is important as they will remove the plaque for you.
Better yet, practice good oral hygiene, especially flossing to make sure the areas your brush can’t reach get properly cleaned. Don’t ignore gingivitis as it will progress to a more virulent strain of gum disease. Isn’t five minutes a day worth the investment to avoid the pain this could cause?
Gum Disease:
a.k.a. periodontal disease, this one makes your gums more inflamed than gingivitis and affects the tissue around your teeth. The tissue pulls away from the tooth leaving pockets where particles can get trapped, causing an infection. If you have ignored your gingivitis before, do not let this one pass. If you are having trouble with your gums, you should visit your dentist immediately.

Once again, good oral hygiene, brushing and flossing, can help prevent this from becoming a problem.
Cold Sores:
a.k.a. oral herpes is a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. There are names for every herpes infection that occur in your body. Oral herpes is a very visible infection that occurs on your face or in your mouth. If your lip starts itching or maybe you already have fever blisters, chances are good this is a cold sore. Cold sores may take two to four weeks to disappear. While the cold sore is present, you’ll probably feel pinching-like pain in the affected area. Herpes will usually let itself show for a period of time with some active cases, but it will also decrease depending on severity. There are medicated creams that can help speed the process of healing the outbreak. Herpes is not limited to cold sores so watch out for unexplained fever, swollen lymph nodes, muscle pain and headaches as the first symptoms to be concerned about.
Keeping your lips from drying out by using a lip balm daily can help prevent these from breaking out, but discuss options to control them with your doctor or dentist if you get them frequently.
Taking care of your oral health is simple and easy. Brush after meals and before bed and floss once or twice a day. There are many electric toothbrushes that can help make this a light task. There are also many aids to make flossing less of a bother as well. Regular dental checkups and cleanings should also be a necessary part of your routine.
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Download our Getting Started With Your Child’s Oral Health – A Parent’s Guide for tips and ideas to start your child on the road to a happy, healthy smile.