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Sedation is a safe and effective way to

Feel more relaxed during your next procedure. Complete more treatment in fewer visits. Reduce any discomfort that you’re anticipating. Provide care for younger patients or individuals with special needs

Dental Sedation Types

Examining your medical history is the first step in learning more about dental sedation dentistry. Are you allergic to anything? What level of “sedation” are you seeking? You should be aware that there are essentially two different types of sedation procedures at Airdrie Springs Dental:
Nitrous Oxide sedation dentistry

Nitrous Oxide (“Laughing Gas”)

Simple and effective, this inhaled sedative is perfect for any age. It passes quickly once your treatment is completed so that you can drive yourself back home without any issues.

Oral Sedation Dentistry

Oral Sedation Dentistry

This form of sedative uses a prescription medication that is taken in our office. After about 30-60 minutes, most people feel like they are in a dreamlike state. You may not even remember anything about your appointment. It can take a few hours for the medication to fully wear off. If you’re nervous about having dental treatment done and this has prevented you from seeing your dentist in Airdrie, fear no more! With our different levels of sedation, we can customize a plan that allows you to have your dental treatment done without fear, and often in a single appointment.

Sedation Dentistry For Children

Sedation Dentistry For Children

Sometimes, children have a fear of the dentist or specific dental procedures. Usually, this is a fear of the unknown. Children can feel much more at ease by visiting a kid-friendly, entertaining pediatric dental office. Dental anxiety usually goes away once young children become accustomed to the dental clinic.

Sedation dentistry is an option for young folks with a severe dental phobia, those who are extremely young and require considerable dental work, or those with specific needs who would find it difficult to undergo dental procedures. Children who are sedated during treatment can feel calm and at ease, which enables them to get the care they need in a secure environment. They might not even remember the treatment, which can help prevent kids from developing dental anxiety, depending on the type of dental sedation utilized.

Sedation Dentistry For Patients With Special Needs

Patients with specific needs can benefit from sedation dentistry in a number of situations. First of all, sedation dentistry might be beneficial if a patient’s condition prevents them from remaining still as long as necessary for dental treatments. Dentist sedation can significantly lower the risk of injury and help make dental appointments less stressful. Second, sedation dentistry helps patients feel more at ease and positive about their dental care by reducing their anxiety during appointments. Sedation dentistry also helps patients with special needs comply during treatment by reducing unintentional movement.

Who Needs Sedation Dentistry?

People with the following conditions should look into sedation dentistry:

  • Dental Anxiety
  • A fear of visiting the dentist
  • An overly sensitive gag reflex
  • A fear of needles (aichmophobia)
  • Extreme teeth sensitivity
  • Feelings of claustrophobia while in the dental chair
  • Decreased sensitivity to local anesthesia
  • Difficulty controlling movement
  • Special needs (including physical, cognitive, or behavioral)

What Are The Advantages Of Sedation Dentistry?

Dental Sedation Can Lower Stress

Dental Sedation Can Lower Stress

Real medical issues include dental phobia and anxiety. 60% of people worldwide acknowledge having some kind of dental phobia. Fears among most patients are unjustified. Others are anxious about future dental visits because of regrettable dental experiences in the past. These individuals might decide never to visit the dentist, endangering their oral health.

Dentistry Under Sedation

Dentistry Under Sedation Can Be More Comfortable

To learn more about sedation dentistry, you don't necessarily need to be afraid of the dentist. Patients who need significant dental work should also ask about sedation because it might keep them at ease and relaxed throughout prolonged procedures. Many people may become tense when they expect to be in pain. Dental sedation can help patients who have low pain thresholds, weak gag reflexes, or sensitive teeth rest easily during their next dental treatment.

Dentistry Sedation Is Safe

Dentistry Sedation Is Safe

When provided by qualified practitioners, sedation dentistry is a safe procedure with few adverse effects. The majority of dentists have received instructions on how to use laughing gas but to deliver oral and IV sedation dental healthcare workers need extra training. This means that you will be in capable hands with a reputable and well-trained expert.

sedation Recovery Periods

Recovery Periods Can Be Shorter

Your recovery time might range from extremely short to moderate, depending on the type of sedation dentistry you select. The effects of laughing gas last for around 15-20 minutes after you stop breathing it in. Oral sedation takes longer to dissipate. However, after a restful night's sleep, you should feel fine.

What To Know Before You Choose A Sedation Dentist

Before you choose a dentist, especially for a sedated appointment, you’ll need to ask a few questions. Some things to ask your dentist:

  • What ages do you serve?
  • What services do you offer?
  • How do you handle a patient with specific or special needs with sedation?
  • Do you perform sedation for those ages and services?

Don’t Put Your Care Off Another Day

Delaying your dental treatment due to anxiety will only cause your oral health to get worse. Ask our Airdrie sedation dentists how we can help! Request a consultation online today to find out if sleep sedation dentistry is right for you or your family member. Schedule an appointment with one of our great dentists in Airdrie online today or call our Airdrie dental office at (587) 905-0160.

Who Needs Sedation Dentistry?

People with the following conditions should look into sedation dentistry:


Dental Anxiety


A fear of visiting the dentist


An overly sensitive gag reflex


A fear of needles (aichmophobia)


Extreme teeth sensitivity


Feelings of claustrophobia while in the dental chair


Difficulty controlling movement


Decreased sensitivity to local anesthesia


Special needs (including physical, cognitive, or behavioral)

Why Choose Airdrie Springs Dental For Sedation Dentistry?

Airdrie Springs Dental specializes in a wide range of treatments including sedation dentistry, laughing gas, and oral sedation dentistry. We have modern dental hygienist chairs and state-of-the-art facilities.

Sedation dentistry is one of the many dental services we offer to our patients. If you’re looking for a new dentist in Airdrie, you’ve come to the right place! We look forward to serving you and your family. Call us and book a dental appointment today!

FAQs on Sedation Dentistry

Generally speaking, sedation dentistry is perfectly safe. As you might expect, there is always some degree of risk and the risks involved can vary depending on the level of sedation you choose to have.

Basically, oral sedation will block the gag reflex, reduce anxiety, and lower pain responses. These dental sedative techniques, however, often continue for two to eight hours following the treatment. The length of time the sedation lasts will depend on the medication you take.

Yes, sedation will relieve pain, during the dental procedure you will not feel any pain, but as the sedation fades, there are chances that you might feel a little pain.

Dental sedation is often completely safe for patients, who report having few or no negative effects when using it. This makes it a wonderful option for those who require invasive procedures, lengthy dental work, or who have dental phobia.

Drink Water – For the duration of your treatment, sedation frequently means you have less access to water. You’ll likely feel very thirsty after your procedure. Water also aids in reviving your body after a brief loss of awareness and clearing your head. If you are not overly queasy following sedation, your best bet is to immediately drink a moderate amount of water.

During pregnancy, only operations where significant stress, pain, or fear is anticipated should be done under dental sedation. If you’re pregnant, your dentist will use the least amount of sedation possible for your comfort throughout the procedure after consulting with you to determine the best option.

People who use nitrous oxide typically feel better within 15 to 30 minutes and can go home on their own after their appointment. Oral conscious sedation or intravenous sedation normally requires about 24 hours for complete recovery.

Yes, at Airdrie Springs Dental we do offer dental sedation methods for children.

If you’re avoiding the dentist because of anxiety or fear, sedation dentistry may be a good option for you. You should consider it if you:


  1. Experience anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist
  2. You have a low pain threshold and find dental procedures overly uncomfortable
  3. You have a lot of dental work that needs to be done and don’t want to spend multiple visits at the dentist’s office
  4. You have trouble becoming fully numb from traditional dental anesthesia methods
  5. You want to reduce your stress and anxiety about dental procedures